A Thanksgiving Quickie

Growing up, Thanksgiving was a day to gather with the usual relatives, watch my mom wind tighter as mealtime approached, consume my favorite meat & potatoes, fail to understand the allure of televised football. Dinner was in the afternoon, with leftovers pulled out again around 7, only after my dad felt the ‘vultures circling’ to […]


Perched above Ballard, seconds before descent, the panorama spread before me: low-laying clouds bursting with rain, almost leafless trees bracing themselves in the cold, drabby browns, tired greens, buildings and streets, everything, mostly gray. On this early Sunday morning drive, alone, a split second thought flew past, ‘Look for color’. As my eyes left the […]

Life Among the Stumps

The tiny house stood finished. Tula and Suzie were enjoying the barn and pasture. Clarence and the Silver Spangled Hamburgs carried on in their ample coop and fenced yard. Fred wandered off constantly, his fine-tuned nose offering temptations too great to ignore. Mercy, our only surviving kitty was good company. The solar panels dumped electricity into […]